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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Transcript & Visual Description

Audio Visual
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
A presentation begins.
Click to hear the music play-ing, playing.
It is called a sonata.
Mozart wrote it when he was only eight years old.
A silhouette of a man sitting at a piano appears.
Sonata for Flute and Piano by Mozart.
(excerpt from Sonata for Flute and Piano, electronic music)
The lights come on. The man falls off the piano chair and crawls away. He comes back and begins playing the piano.
He wrote over 600 works of music in his life.
Sonata for Flute and Piano by Mozart.
(excerpt from Sonata for Flute and Piano, electronic music)
A picture shows the man standing next to stacks of paper. A lightbulb appears above the man's head. He grabs a fan and blows all of the papers around.
A-Y says, ay, as in play.
Click and drag to make more words that end with ay.
D-ay, day.
W-ay, way.
S-ay, say.
The letters A and Y appear. The letters P and L slide over to spell the word "play." Other letters are moved over to spell more words.
THE END The curtains close.